

".....This track is from the new album " The Rime of Memory". It features guest vocals by my friend Victor Sanchez and a choir comprised of many of my collaborators ( Andrea from Exulansis, William from Dalla Nebia, and Andy ,whom yall know as the bass player from our live band.) Patrick Urban (Dämmerfarben) wrote and performed Cello, Charlie Anderson returned to collaborate on this album on fiddle, and we had a great time recording and arranging together.

This is being released today because SO many of you wrote the county commissioner to advocate for the continued permit issuing for FIRE IN THE MOUNTAINS...which is one of the best outdoor metal festivals in the world. So thank you so much!
I hope you'll enjoy the song and thank you again.
Pre orders for the album will be coming towards the end of summer, and expect a release right around when the snow returns to northern Minnesota...late fall ...."

thank you again.

Don't let the fire burn out!!!

- Austin

via/ &

THE OVERSEERS (Cult Of The Medics Chapter X)

LIVE Today on Badlands at 12pm PST/3pm EST/8pm GMT

In this chapter we continue our investigation into the history of the medics and the ancient cults of power. We will explore the question: Who are the overseers of humanity?

Let’s find out…

Catch up on the first 9 chapters here FREE:

Tune in live here, please share!
